SVBCC 1st Quarter Board Meeting

SVBCC Meeting Avemore Lane 1540 Avemore Lane, Charlottesville, VA, United States

The SVBCC board will convene on Saturday, 3/29/25 from noon to 2:30pm at 1540 Avemore Lane, Charlottesville. All SVBCC members are invited to attend. AGENDA for SVBCC 1st Q. Board Meeting, 12:00, 3/29/25. I.  Status Reports from Board: Vice-President's Report. Secretary's Report. Treasurer's Report. Historian's Report. News Editor's Report. Web Master's Report. Membership Chair's Report. […]

Southwest Mountain Vineyard Picnic Cruise-In (Keswick area)

Southwest Mountain Vineyards 2300 Whipper In Lane, Keswick, VA, United States

Enjoy an afternoon outing in a beautiful setting at Southwest Mountain Vineyard! We invite our members to bring their own picnics and to order wine from the tasting room bar downstairs as there is no outside food service.  If you would like to enjoy food from the menu which is served upstairs in the tasting […]

Picnic, Motorcycle Museum, Tech Session at Mike Mutter’s

Mike Mutter 600 Sweibyan Dr, Earlysville, VA, United States

Michael Mutter has invited us to his beautiful home and workshop/museum on the Rivanna River near Earlysville. He admits to being more into motorcycles than cars (although he has a beautiful XK150 Drophead). Expect to see Nortons, Vincents and Velocettes among the British bikes in this private collection. We're also putting together a British Car […]

Car Show/Pizza at The Barn

The Barn 32 Old Barn Lane, Staunton, VA, United States

Jim Rimel plans to put on an event at The Barn (west of Staunton) on May 17. More information coming soon, but save the date!

British Invasion & Breakfast, Charlottesville Cars & Coffee

Barracks Road Shopping Center 1049 Emmet St N, Charlottesville, VA, United States

We’re gearing up for our second show of (British) force at the Charlottesville Cars & Coffee on Saturday, June 7. This is held at the Barracks Road Shopping Center. Cars & Coffee typically starts around 8am, but if you can arrive early – say, around 7:30 – park your car and stroll 100 yards over to First Watch (across […]

Annual SVBCC British Car Festival

Mark your calendar – this is the big one that you don’t want to miss! Expect to see 100 – 200 British cars from several states, all gathered in a beautiful park setting. More information coming soon. More details will be published here. Please plan to get involved – the club needs more volunteers to help […]