British Car DIY/Tech Topics

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British wrenches (spanners)
Buying a Classic MGB(Article)
Decoding an MGB VIN(Article)
Whitworth history(Article)
How to ID British & Metric threaded fittings(Video)
Whitworth, UNF, UNC & CEI threads(Article)
Printable chart of wrench sizes (Metric, Inch, BA, BSF, BSW)(PDF)
ZDDP in motor oil (Castrol GTX vs GTX Classic)(Video)
Can motor oil have too much zinc?(Video)
Winterizing your car (Bob Vitrikas article)(PDF)
Piston (Engine) SymbolENGINE MECHANICAL
Adjusting valves - MG(Video)
Standard/Triumph "Wet Liner" engines(Article)
Category symbol for Exhaust sytemEXHAUST SYSTEM
Headers: "Tri-Y" (4-2-1) vs. 4-into-1(Article)
Installing TR6 headers(Video)
Category symbol for cooling systemCOOLING & HVAC
Coolant (Bob Vitrikas article)(PDF)
Waterless coolant (Bob Vitrikas article)(PDF)
Category symbol for fuel system (S.U. carburetors)FUEL SYSTEM
SU carburetor basics(Video)
Weber DCOE carburetors series(Video)
Weber DGAV / DGAV carburetor(Video)
SU carbuetor tuning series(Video)
SU carbuetor tuning(Article)
SU fuel pumps(Article)
Adding a protection diode to SU fuel pumps(Article)
Ignition timing explanation(Video)
Breaker points: gap & dwell angle(Video)
Lumenition Ignition In Lucas Distributor(Video)
How to tune your 123 electronic distributor(Video)
Wire colors - MG(Article)
Wire colors - Jaguar(Article)
Wire colors - Morgan(Article)
Wire colors - British motorcycles(Article)
Wire colors - British general(Article)
Wiring Diagrams - MG TC(Article)
Wiring Diagrams - MG TD, MG TF(Article)
Wiring Diagrams - MGB, MGC(Article)
How to add a headlight relay (1)(Video)
How to add a headlight relay (2)(Article)
How to add a headlight relay (3)(Video)
Starter motors(Article)
Voltage stabilizers (for gauges)(Article)
Connecting a Smiths impulse tachometer(Article)
Category symbol for rear axleDRIVE TRAIN & REAR AXLE
MGB rear wheel oil seal replacement(Video)
Hydraulic clutch basics(Article)
Category symbol for steering & suspensionSUSPENSION & STEERING
How a sway (anti-roll) bar works (and handling effects)(Article)
Category symbol for braking systemBRAKING SYSTEM
MGB rear brakes/hubs(Video)
MGB rear brake adjustment(Video)
MG tandem brake cylinder rebuild 1968-1974(Video)
Brake Plumbing(Article)
Jaguar Mk 2 / S-Type brake boosters(Video)
Category symbol for wheels & tiresWHEELS & TIRES
Tire size calculator(Article)
Truing wire wheels(Article)
Category symbol for convertible topsINTERIOR
ID & Install Various British Car Interior Fasteners(Video)
Category symbol for convertible topsCONVERTIBLE TOPS
Replacing an MGB top(Article)
Replacing an MG Midget top(Article)
Restoring a yellowed convertible top window(Video)
ID & Install Top Snaps, Tenax, & Lift-the-Dot Fasteners(Video)
Category symbol for paint & finish.PAINT & FINISH
Using wrinkle/crackle spray paint - Gassman video(Video)
Using wrinkle/crackle spray paint - Duplicolor video(Video)